Thursday, August 4, 2011


This year I will be doing a combination of things. I have planned out fun themes that will last about two weeks each. We will also be doing a letter a week following the Handwriting Without Tears order of letters. I also ordered some Kumon books for cutting and pasting - something we have not done at all!

We'll also incorporate things I have collected during my teaching years, as well as ideas from 1+1+1=1, Homeschool Creations, and Confessions of a Homeschooler. (and many other talented bloggers out there!)

I would love to have an IPAD to incorporate some technology but I don't think that will happen this year. It's on my super klong wish list!

My only concern is trying to get some social activities for both kids. My husband and I aren't very social, our families all have older children, and we don't have any neighbors with young children. Last fall there was an ad in the paper for a Not Back to School Picnic near us and I am hoping that will be something they continue this year! It would be great for the kids as well as support for me. There are not a lot of homeschool families in our area - that I'm aware of!

Most of our activities will be geared for SJ but I think PM can also get something out of it and I will include open-ended toys for her as well.


  1. Hi, I hopped in from the Not Back to School Blog Hop. Congratulations on your first year. 1+1+1 is one of my favorite resources for littles. Don't worry about socialization, it comes on it's own. I'm not that social at all so I totally get it. I hope you will be able to find another homeschool family or two to connect with. And I really hope you have a wonderful year.

  2. If there are no co-ops or other type things in your area, you'll eventually get around to meeting folks. Even by just seeing other folks with kids at the park on a school day might eventually lead to something.

    Hope you guys have a great year!
